It’s an honor to say that I’ve known these people through their entire relationship. Coincidentally, that’s almost the exact length that I’ve been photographing people in love, so naturally we’ve had our share of portrait sessions through the years!
They are both as genuine as it comes, and the best friends you could possibly want.
From our very first couples photos, to their adventure engagement under a waterfall (Highly recommend oh my gosh), to their perfect wedding day, I was joyfully there with camera in hand. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
If you follow the blog, you'll know David and I don't stay in one place too long. We love Kalamazoo, and call it home, but there's way too much of the world left to see, so every so often we plan an adventure.
This one had been in the works for over a year, but I had no idea just how special it was going to be. David had lived in Montana for a bit previously, and had been compiling a list of must-see places since we first started dating, knowing someday he would be able to show me around Kalispell and the Glacier National Park area. When wildfires halted our plans last September, we decided to try again for June of 2018.
It was everything I could have ever hoped. The natural beauty was every photographers dream, but the company was the absolute best.
We started the trip off with his favorite breakfast spot in Kalispell (Split Rock Cafe) and then toured a few the top breweries (Bonsai Brewing Project was pleasant as heck), and finished up on Flathead Lake, boating with one of David's best big sky buddies.
Day number two held things I didn't see coming from a mile away.
David took me on a hike to Holland Falls, knowing the entire time I would want to take photos at the top, so we packed a tripod and remote (on top of that, I looked like a hot mess, hiking with a boots/sundress combo that I swapped out for flip flops when the walking was done.... for the photos sake of course).
We had been planning on shooting frame-able photos at some point this trip, so I thought nothing of his insistence I make absolutely sure to have the wireless remote in the bag.
Once we fought off the invasive ground squirrels searching for snacks (note that close up shot was not taken with a telephoto lens) we set up the tripod and took a few shots.
And then he surprised me.
I had no idea he had been planning the proposal ever since we booked the first trip that got rescheduled, and had kept the ring a complete secret all this time! I've been on cloud nine ever since, this man is my best friend, and my biggest supporter. Life is such an adventure with him, and I can't wait to start the next chapter of it.
He planned it all perfectly, and even got us THE most beautiful Airbnb in St. Ignatius to spend our first engaged night.
After all that, we spent the next few days camping, hiking, and getting overall publicly unpresentable. One of my favorite hikes from the standpoint of feeling so accomplished when we finished was definitely Iceberg Lake, but there wasn't a single bad day and not one hike I regretted. We spent loads of time outdoors away from cell reception, and it was perfect.
I have no doubt we will be back to this other-worldly place. Bears and ground squirrels included, there is something special about Montana.
Up North p.2
The second half of the northern adventure was just as splendid.
We made a one night stop in Marquette that included the most amazing discover of Dia De Los Tacos! No lie, the best taco truck I have ever found in my life, and discovered completely by accident as David and I stopped for gas. Sadly I have no photos of this beautiful thing, as my hands were quite full of tacos and not cameras.
I wish I could tell you I'm sorry.
We then made our way to the porcupine mountains where we stayed in a yurt one night to escape the rain. I have to say, I've never felt quite so much like a millennial in my life, but no judgement! It was dry, and was right off of the beach which made for the perfect excuse to climb out of bed at 5:30 am to watch the Michigan sunrise.
The following night was right back to tent camping. There is some evidence that tent camping might not quite be ideal for ones sanity or sleeping habits as the last night before heading back across the bridge, David spent a good hour or two staring into the woods with a headlamp, and a hatchet in each hand confident he heard a bear. Right when we were debating whether we should sleep in the car, or drive through the night, a tiny black rabbit hopped out of the trees, and up to our campfire.
David paused for a moment before saying "I'm willing to admit.... The bear may have been a bunny." But let me tell you what, I have absolutely every confidence that this man would have had the situation well in hand regardless of the intruder. He's pretty awesome.
The finale of our trip was an afternoon spent on Mackinac Island eating way too much fudge, as trolls are meant to do. We know our place.
Overall, being without cell reception was super refreshing, and I would encourage any person who hails from the mitten state to explore the gorgeousness that is the upper peninsula!
- Esther
Up North p.1
It's crazy to think how often we Michiganders forget there's practically a whole other world right in our backyard.
This camping trip was everything I didn't know I needed until we were out there with the mosquitos, pasties, and more stars than I think I've seen anywhere. It was perfect.
There were way too many photos to try and fit them all into one post, so there will be another half of "hipster stock photos" coming soon!
Favorite campground: Lake Kingston. You have a ton of property to play on, and we could hang our hammock right on the water. What more could you want??
Favorite beer discovery: David and I are a little divided on this one, but my favorite was Woody Wheat from Austin Brothers, and His was Yooper Ale from Upper Hand. Both amazing, and links are in the gallery.
Favorite camp coffee: Kalamazoo Coffee Co. Backpackers Blend as always.
You'll have to wait on part two for dining recommendations (spoiler alert, I think we found the best tacos in the 50 states) and BTS stories such as the "Bear incident".
Until next time!
- Esther
Adventure time
Hello all!
As I've mentioned before, I place a lot of value on travel.
Seeing and doing things with the people I care about is something I've always cherished, but never took the time to really do until about a year ago, and now I'm scrambling to make up for lost time.
This trip isn't exactly what we had in mind when David and I started planning it eight months ago, but the weather around the world right now between forrest fires and hurricanes isn't something I could've predicted. Instead of our original destination, we decided to take a week and a half in one of my favorite places on earth: Northern Michigan.
It may not sound as exotic, but I am unbelievably excited, and can't wait to discover things that were under my nose this whole time.
If you don't hear from me due to lack of cell phone reception, no worries! I'll get in touch as soon as I can, and there will be loads of adventure-y photo things coming your way :)
- Esther

At 18 hours from plane to plane, Ireland was the shortest stop on our trip, but stands out in my mind as an easy favorite.
The moment our group left the airport,we climbed into a cab driven by a man with a huge personality, and tons of recommendations he was all too thrilled to share.
While the Guinness factory was cool, if you're pressed for time skip it entirely and go straight to the Teeling Whiskey tour (I may be biased as this was already my favorite whiskey before going, and may have been overly excited when I found out how close the distillery was to our hotel).
For dinner, please don't let the name fool you, the Hairy Lemon is the place to go. Their shepherds pie is to die for, and everyone there is so friendly I never wanted to leave.
This place stole a piece of my heart to the degree that photographing an Ireland wedding is definitely on my bucket list. By that I mean I will gift you day of coverage, and a pre-wedding or day after photo session in exchange for travel. No kidding.
Have you ever been to Dublin? Please share your experiences and recommendations!
- Esther
Poland P. 2
Not going to lie, I have the biggest soft spot for Air BnB apartments. If you want to see a location as the locals do, it's the way to go. Every time I've stayed at one of the rented homes listed in any given location, the hosts have been nothing but remarkably hospitable, and ready to offer up their favorite places to eat.
Our apartment for the second half of the trip was just a short walk from the city square, and absolutely perfect.
When you're within walking distance of so many amazing restaurants, you do the only thing any right minded human being would do: you eat. A lot. (But it's totally fine, because walking! Right?.... Yes?)
My advice is to find the tucked back, residents know, you-have-to-look-for-it type eateries. You won't regret it. The best pizza in Poland (in my humble, but well fed opinion) came from "Ti Amo Ti", which we almost missed entirely. Off the street, and down a small alley will lead you to a vibrant garden full of small tables, each with a carafe of red wine, and any number of perfectly crispy pizza combinations.
If I'm going for favorite restaurant of the whole trip however, "Pod Wawelem" is an easy winner. I ate too much here. Way too much. No regrets.
Favorite dish: Zurek soup (oh my gosh, my life will never be the same)
Favorite dinner beer: Tyskie
Pair the two of these with an after dinner lemon vodka, which tastes like fresh squeezed lemonade to be honest, and you're golden.

We also became shameless tourists, and took a river cruise.
Turns out, we missed our boat.... While we were standing right next to it.... Trying to find our boat.
But then got an entire tour to ourselves, which is easily the best outcome to being a lost fumbling American I've experienced so far!
This city was so rich with history, and the beauty of it was only enhanced by the excellent company of my travel companion. He makes every trip an adventure, from a destination wedding, to a spontaneous flight halfway across the world.
Can't wait for the next one.
Poland P.1
If I were to choose one word to describe Poland, that would be it.
This incredible place was nothing like I was anticipating, and I haven't stopped telling everyone who gives me a conversation opening exactly why they should add this one to the bucket list.
The whole crazy idea came from a text message exchange with David (My supportive, sweet, and quite insane boyfriend) as I sat editing photos:
D: "I love you"
Me: "Aw, I love you too!"
D: "Do you want to go to Krakow with me?"
Me: "... Obviously."
There was no previous talk of trying to plan this trip, but if I've learned one thing through dating this spontaneous gentleman, it's that coming up with excuses not to do something is far too easy, and you end up looking back with missed opportunities in your hindsight.
So the tickets were purchased, and the plans were made! The timing ended up working out perfectly as, after our week in Poland, I would be spending some additional time shooting for a travel brand in Europe (more on that later).
Our first few nights were spent at the coolest little hostel right in Old Town. As much as Air BNB is life, you meet the coolest people from all over the world at hostels, and I wouldn't trade that for any hotel.
The food: AMAZING.
I cannot stress this enough. All over the city you can easily find outdoor cafes serving some of the freshest, most well prepared dishes I've had anywhere in the world. I will be including restaurant recommendations in part 2 of the Poland blog... I need to share this information with the world.
I'm missing this place already, more photos soon!
- Esther
Adventure time
Guys, I'm bad at blogging regularly.
That goes without saying.
That being said....
We take a break from our regularly scheduled wedding gorgeousness to bring you some news:
My favorite human, David, and I are leaving for Poland in a week.
I can hardly believe it, I'm beyond excited, and it's only the beginning.
I will be making my way through parts of Europe from May 16 through June 2nd shooting everything under the sun, from gorgeous hostels in Krakow, to super cars and yachts in France. This is an opportunity I never could have dreamed of, and I can't wait to share the images with all of you!